Should you use Non Ethanol Gas?

Have you ever wondered what all the different types of gas are at the gas stations these days? You’ll see lots of options ranging from E10, E15, E85, Regular, Non Ethanol. What area all these?

Ethanol is a type of fuel made from corn and other grains. It is commonly added to regular gasoline to form the different blends at the pump. When you see something listed as E15, that means that blend of fuel is 15% Ethanol.

There are some advantages and disadvantages to Ethanol blended fuels and its up to you to determine the type of fuel you should use.

Advantages of Ethanol
– Naturally Sustainable since its not made from Fossil Fuels
– Cleaner burning therefore better for the environment
– Less toxic than Pure Gasoline

– Decreases Fuel Mileage immediately
– Shorter shelf life, cant be stored long term without additives
– Gums up in carburetors of small engines that don’t get run often (lawnmowers, weed eaters etc.)

My personal recommendation is that you try to use Non Ethanol fuel whenever you can. Its available all over and I found a cool website that will help you locate gas stations that carry Pure Gas. Its called On the site, you can search your area to see whats available around you. You can even add gas stations that aren’t listed so others can find them. As a side note, I don’t get anything from They aren’t paying me to promote the site, I merely wanted to share it with you guys because I found it very helpful.

I personally use only Non Ethanol gas in my lawn mowers and all other small engines. Since its more stable than Ethanol, it doesn’t gum up inside the carburetors and cause a bunch of problems. I also try to use it in my vehicles whenever I am near a gas station that carries Non Ethanol gas. I don’t have one on my every day route so I don’t use it all the time. I do prefer it over the blended gas because I get so much better gas mileage than with the Ethanol Blended fuel.

Check out the video below. Maybe it will help you decide to try Non Ethanol Fuel, and if its right for you.

Visit the Pure Gas Website –

Here are some other videos you might enjoy

Visit the Pure Gas Website –



