How to make a Neck Rope for Bridleless Riding or Training your Horse

My Daughter is an avid horseback rider and has recently become interested in Bridleless riding. She has requested her own neck rope to use for this purpose. After looking around online, I discovered that many of these seem to be handmade. Since thats what we do here at Home Built Workshop, its time for me to make a neck rope.

I started out with a length of 5/8″ Double Braided rope, sometimes called Yacht Rope. I used the length of rope to measure the ideal length I need to make this. We determined that for my Daughters size, and particular horse she rides, I need to make a rope that is 70″ in length. I measured out that length, then added 12″ to each end to account for the knot and a tassel. I used some electrical tape to prevent the end of the rope from fraying and cut it with a knife. Now I can tie the Matthew Walker knot to create the neck rope. For details on tying this knot, be sure to watch the video.

Once the knot is tied, I tightened the knot making sure its at the correct length. With it tightened up, I used some thin super glue and secured the knot to prevent it from ever coming loose. Before you glue it, be sure that the length is correct. This is a secure knot, but I like the additional security of the super glue. Now you can unbraid the ends to create the decorative tassel. After cutting off the inner braid you horse neck rope is complete.

My Daughter has put this rope to the test and its working great. I can see myself making some more of these in the future so I created a simple little jig to help lay out the lengths and the locations of the knot. Its super simple but will save a lot of time in the future.

If you’re looking to make your own neck rope, this is a great way to make them. The double braided rope is available in a seemingly endless amount of colors

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