Building a Headstock Shaping Jig for my Bass Guitar build

Welcome to part 3 of the Bass Guitar Build. Today, I’m working on the relief cut in the headstock. This is where I’ll put my Hayley Guitars logo. I have a similar jig to this set up to cut this relief on a regular guitar headstock, but since this bass headstock is larger, my existing jig won’t work. I need to start from scratch.

I started this jig, by placing my neck template on my computer scanner along with a 6″ ruler. I scanned the template and saved the image. Then I jumped in to Fusion 360 and started a new drawing. I imported my headstock picture as a canvas and used the measurements on the ruler to scale the image to exact size. Then I used the spline tool to basically draw around the piece, creating an exact copy of my headstock. From there I created the templates I wanted, and printed them out. I need to give a big Thank You to my friend Dennis for printing these out for me. The pieces were too large to fit on my 3D Printer.

Once I got the printed parts back, I began assembling the jig. I duplicated the printed pieces so that I wouldn’t damage them. I will always work off the mdf versions and keep the printed ones stored away. I designed this jig to work with left handed or right handed guitar necks.

I’m very happy with the way this jig worked out. I plan to use it on more bass guitar builds in the future. Its well worth the time it took to design and build.

I know this jig is very specific to my headstock design, but I think there are some ideas in there, that may work for you in your workshop. Thats why I decided to share this jig with you. Its pretty nice to be able to design a part that fits perfectly onto an existing odd shaped item. Check out the video below.

Thanks for stopping by.

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