Building Bird Houses with my Daughter

With School out for the summer, this means my daughter Hayley and I have more time to spend together. More time, means more projects. This is the first of hopefully a few projects for the summer. We’re building some bird houses for some birds in our yard.

We started out by looking up plans online. We found a style we liked and adapted it to fit the materials we have available, which in our case is some reclaimed cedar fence pickets. I began by cutting down the cedar into the sizes we needed. I did this before Hayley was in the shop. This way, when she got in the shop, we could get right to work. We began by glueing and nailing the front and back to the floor piece. We are using Titebond 3 glue because its waterproof, and some 4D Box Nails to secure it. The combination of the nails and glue is plenty strong for these houses. Next, we glued and nailed one of the sides, the other side, we only nailed at the top. This allows the side to swing open so we can clean out the birdhouse. One of these pieces did crack while we aere nailing it on, so I had to glue it back together. Once it was dry and secured, its on to the roof.

The roof was no different than the rest. Some Glue and Nails held it in place. I did end up using some pin nails to help keep it from sliding while I drilled the holes for the nails. This made a big difference, and it was much easier. The last piece to attach was a board on the back that would attach the house to a post. Finally, I drilled a couple small holes in the bottom to allow any moisture to escape should any get inside. Our Birdhouses were done.

All in all, these came out great. Hayley only managed to hit me with the hammer 2 times. I’m thankful for that. We were having a ton of fun as we always do. Check out the video below and be sure to let us know what you think. Make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel so as not to miss any episodes. Thanks for stopping by.

— Afilliate Links to Products Used —
Titebond 3 Waterproof Glue –
23GA Pin Nailer –
