Homemade 2×72″ Belt Grinder Upgrades

I hope you all have had a chance to check out the build of my 2×72″ Belt Grinder. If not, here’s a link. https://www.homebuiltworkshop.com/2017/08/12/my-homemade-belt-grinder/.
When I built this machine, I knew a few upgrades would very quickly need to be done. My original goal was to get the machine up and running, then I would address the upgrades separately. Thats what I’m doing this time.
The first order of business was to replace the 1/3 HP motor with a much more powerful 1 1/2 HP motor. The original underpowered motor was just a placeholder so I could get the machine together. Next, I wired in an actual power switch, popped the breaker, then rewired the switch correctly. Then I repainted the frame, replaced a handle and a couple knobs, replaced the tension springs with heavier springs, and painted the rest of the machine. All that was left to redo, was the platten assembly. Using some jigsaw blades made for aluminum, I trimmed the aluminum platten plate to allow for more belt clearance. Then I polished it up with my buffer and some green rouge.
After reassembling the whole thing and adjusting everything to track the belt correctly, it really runs awesome, and has plenty of power. I’m ready to start using this machine for some projects. What would you like to see me use this for? Leave a comment on this post and let me know.

Check out the upgrade video below.
