Build a Wooden Tablet Stand

I use my iPad for a lot of things, both in the shop and around the house. I thought it would be nice to build a stand for it. I have seen several people build stands similar to this. I gatherd the ideas I liked the most and settled on this design.
I decided to use some off cuts from a guitar I have been working on to make this stand. After trimming them down and gluing them up, I had a nice block of wood to work with. I cut a slot to fit the width of my iPad with the case. The slot is cut at a 15 degree angle. This puts the iPad at a nice viewing angle.  For the finish, I wanted to test a process I was considering to use on the guitar. Since it was from the same piece of wood, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity. I dyed the wood with some trans fast grey wood dye. Then I coated it with Danish Oil and polyurethane. It came out looking good, but not the way I thought it would. I’m glad I tested it first, before going right to the guitar.
This is a great project to use up some scraps. Its easy to glue random pieces together to make a block useable for a project like this. You can scale it up for a larger tablet or down to hold a phone. In fact, I may just make a smaller one for my phone.
If you’d like to watch the video of the build, just click the link below.
